The Rear Commodore shall assume the responsibility of the MCYC Fleet Captain.
The Fleet Captain:
- Is responsible for organizing the OPENING DAY Parade.
- Attends CRYA meetings from Feb. through April prior to Opening Day. Helps to select the theme for the year.
- Becomes acquainted with the Parade Marshal and Head Judge.
- Becomes acquainted with the latest Opening Day Rules.
- Reports information for Opening Day to the Members at the General Membership Meetings.
- Discusses and formulates plans for our approach to the theme and how we should decorate the fleet.
- Contacts and makes arrangements with the Coast Guard Auxiliary or Power Squadron to inspect our boats for safety decals.
- Encourages all member boat owners to get their boat examined.
- Advises all members that all boats must be shipshape and spotlessly clean before decorating.
- Encourages all members to participate in the Opening Day Ceremonies.
- Schedules work parties for all members to help with decorations and preparations.
- Sees that all material, paint, pennants, etc. is available for such work parties.
- Prepares & posts a list of all boats planning to be in the parade.
- Posts a sign-up sheet for members participating but need a boat ride.
- Makes copies for each skipper of instruction sheet, formation sheet, parade route maps and CRYA information sheets.
- Is in complete charge of the fleet on Opening Day Parade.
- Sees that boats leave on schedule, slow boats first, etc.
- Is responsible for reporting to the Parade Marshal at the appropriate time after forming up.
- Provides a continental breakfast at the clubhouse the morning of Opening Day. All expenses will be reimbursed by the club.