1. The standard slip width is 32’ for B Dock and C Dock Upriver.
  2. The standard slip width is 24’ for C Dock Down river.
  3. The lease payments and move-in costs will be based on the standard widths.
  4. Permission must be received from the MCYC Board of Directors before a lessee makes any alterations or additions to boathouses or houseboats. No alterations or additions are allowed to boat slips.
  5. Written plans to scale must be submitted to the Moorage Committee for review sixty (60) days prior to start of planned construction.
  6. The Moorage Committee will submit its recommendation to the MCYC Board by the next scheduled Board Meeting for final action.
  7. Lessees wishing to lease additional width space over the standard slip must be approved by the Board of Directors.
  8. The monthly lease cost will be $4.00 for each foot over standard width.
  9. The additional space allowance will expire when the lease expires.
  10. The minimum space allowed between Boathouse or Houseboat side walls is 8' for all incoming structures and/or modifications of existing structures. Existing structures prior to February 2019 are grand-fathered in at 5’.
  11. Lease amounts will change as found necessary by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership. Lessees will be given thirty (30) days notice by MCYC prior to any increases.
  12. Any lessee that is two (2) or more months in arrears on their slip rent as of the fifteenth (15th) day of the month (or the general meeting for that month) will be assessed a fee of $10.00 or 10% of the amount due, which ever is the greater amount. If rents are in arrears for three (3) months, it will be recommended to the general membership to terminate the lessee’s membership.