Bar Manager

The Bar Manager will be selected by the incoming Commodore for the coming year for a term of one year and may serve for more than one year. The Bar Manager is responsible for the purchase of any and all necessary supplies such as alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, glassware, etc. The Bar Manager shall instruct, supervise and maintain control at all times over all members working behind the bar, seeing that drinks are mixed properly and all monies are collected, etc. The Bar Manager shall be responsible for control and handling of all money taken in over the bar until such time it is turned over to the party chairperson, treasurer or Commodore. The Bar Manager is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all bar equipment.

Clubhouse Manager

The Clubhouse Manager is selected by the Commodore and may serve more than one term. The Clubhouse Manager is responsible for the operation and general appearance of the clubhouse. These duties include but are not limited to: Making sure that all appliances and equipment are operational. If a problem arises that the Clubhouse Manager is unable to correct he/she shall notify the Port Captain of the nature of the problem. Coordinate with the Social Chair and maintain a personal up to date social calendar so as to be aware of open dates.    Be responsible for the scheduling of club rental to members or others. Obtain a check from the renter - to include the rental and the cleaning deposit. Turn this check over to the Treasurer. Ensure that the clubhouse is clean prior to a renter using the clubhouse. If the Clubhouse Manager cannot clean the clubhouse or get volunteers to clean it, the Clubhouse Manager is authorized to hire a cleaning person to clean the clubhouse, expense for the cleaning person not to exceed the cleaning deposit. Accompany the renter on a tour of the clubhouse to ensure that the clubhouse is clean to the satisfaction of the renter prior to a rental. This tour will also inform the renter of the condition that the clubhouse must be in after the rental in order to have their cleaning deposit returned. Inspect the clubhouse after a rental to ascertain whether the cleaning deposit is to be returned. Ensure that NOTHING is allowed to be attached to the covering on the sliding doors and the covered windows. (These doors and windows are to be cleaned only with nonabrasive cleaner, i.e. Windex or mild soap and water and a cotton cloth. Do Not use paper towels or paper products to wipe or clean the windows.)

Cruise Captain

Cruise Captain will set forth the cruise schedule for the year working in conjunction with the Commodore and the Social Director. The cruise schedule is to be turned into CRYA by the Cruise Captain at the January meeting of CRYA. The Cruise Captain shall be responsible for planning all cruises, making reservations for all cruise sites and any other areas needed In conjunction with the cruise. Encourage participation of all members by announcing the activity at meetings, through the phone committee, fliers, etc. Coordinate any food planning, beverages or entertainment which are needed in conjunction with the cruises. Report to Club at meetings as to attendance participation and success of the cruises. Make sure that the Cruise Flag is prominently displayed at all cruises and cruise functions. Sit as Chairman on the Halloween Cruise Committee. The Assistant Cruise Captain, selected by the Vice Commodore, is to be on the Halloween Cruise Committee, and will serve as the next Cruise Captain.

CRYA Representative

In addition to the Vice Commodore, the Commodore will appoint another MCYC member, ratified by the Board of Directors, to represent our club at monthly meet- ings and other events of the Columbia River Yachting Association. CRYA reps will attend the CRYA meetings and report on same at the MCYC meeting and/or via email to members. CRYA reps are authorized to vote for MCYC in matters brought up at CRYA meetings. Because of this, it is important that these reps openly discuss CRYA matters with MCYC members to carry forth the cumulative desires of MCYC.

Fleet Captain

The Rear Commodore shall assume the responsibility of the MCYC Fleet Captain. The Fleet Captain: Is responsible for organizing the OPENING DAY Parade. Attends CRYA meetings from Feb. through April prior to Opening Day. Helps to select the theme for the year. Becomes acquainted with the Parade Marshal and Head Judge. Becomes acquainted with the latest Opening Day Rules. Reports information for Opening Day to the Members at the General Membership Meetings. Discusses and formulates plans for our approach to the theme and how we should decorate the fleet. Contacts and makes arrangements with the Coast Guard Auxiliary or Power Squadron to inspect our boats for safety decals. Encourages all member boat owners to get their boat examined. Advises all members that all boats must be shipshape and spotlessly clean before decorating. Encourages all members to participate in the Opening Day Ceremonies. Schedules work parties for all members to help with decorations and preparations. Sees that all material, paint, pennants, etc. is available for such work parties. Prepares & posts a list of all boats planning to be in the parade. Posts a sign-up sheet for members participating but need a boat ride. Makes copies for each skipper of instruction sheet, formation sheet, parade route maps and CRYA information sheets. Is in complete charge of the fleet on Opening Day Parade. Sees that boats leave on schedule, slow boats first, etc. Is responsible for reporting to the Parade Marshal at the appropriate time after forming up. Provides a continental breakfast at the clubhouse the morning of Opening Day. All expenses will be reimbursed by the club.  

Galley Manager

It is the Galley Manager’s responsibility to: Schedule hostesses for the year for serving dinners at the General Membership meetings. Inform the hostesses of their duties. The Club furnishes coffee, tea, sugar and packaged cream. Keep the galley cupboards in a neat & orderly manner. Purchase and keep the galley supplied with the items that fall under budget description. Keep a record of any guarantees/warranties for galley equipment. Keep on hand: Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Cream, Salt, Pepper, etc. Paper goods Soaps and Cleaning Equipment Dish Towels & Wash Rags


The Historian is selected by the Commodore each year and may serve more than one term. Take and accumulate pictures and paraphernalia of all cruises, parties and functions for the year, for example: invitations, flyers and other memorabilia. Purchase album and compile all of the above into a pictorial record of the years events.

Membership / Publicity

It is the responsibility of the Membership / Publicity Chairperson: To provide and distribute information about joining MCYC. To keep records, with the help of the Secretary, of prospective member’s progress of membership requirements. Interview prospective members prior to recommendation to the Board of Directors. Report to the Board of Directors after all the membership requirements have been fulfilled by the prospective members. To assist the Commodore with any projects having to do with membership or Club publicity.

Moorage Committee

The Moorage Committee (hereafter referred to as the Committee) shall consist of six members: Commodore (Chairman) Moorage Manager Port Captain Assistant Port Captain A Member selected by the tenants of the Moorage. The tenants representative shall be selected by vote of the tenants, from candidates nominated by one or more of the tenants, at the December General Membership meeting. A Member appointed by the Commodore, who is not a tenant of the Moorage. With the exception of the Moorage Manager, the term of office shall be one (1) year, however, the members can be re-appointed for successive years. The Committee shall prepare and submit to the Board of Directors of MCYC written standards of appearance, condition and safety for all structures and improvements connected with the Moorage facilities. The standards shall be reviewed by the Board, then passed on to the General Membership for adoption, either in their original form or as revised by the Board. The standards shall be mailed to each member, not less than ten (10) days prior to any vote by the General Membership. The standards, once adopted, may be revised only by a vote of the General Membership, adhering to the above notification requirement. The Committee shall continuously evaluate the structures and improvements located at the Moorage and, when necessary, submit to the Board reports of deficiency and suggested corrections to be made. In the event said report concerns one or more of the tenants, the Committee shall first contact the tenant, discussing their findings, and attempt to have the deficiency corrected in a reasonable length of time. If an agreement cannot be reached, the Committee shall prepare and submit to the Board a written report. This report shall contain the Committee’s findings, the recommendations of the Committee and a summary of the discussions with the tenant. A copy of this report shall be given to the tenant, not less than five (5) days prior to being submitted to the Board. The Committee shall be responsible for evaluating all proposed structures and/or improvements, prior to their being allowed as additions to the Moorage. Improvements and/or additions to the Moorage facilities and/or MCYC buildings shall be excluded from this requirement, providing the improvement and/or additions have been approved by the Board and/or General Membership. In the case of a request from a new or current member to bring in a Boat, Boathouse or Houseboat, an inspection of the boat, float and or structure shall be made by not less than two (2) members of the Committee. The Committee's written report, complete with photos of the boat, float and or structure, as it relates to the standards of the club, shall be submitted to the Board for their review and action. To maintain the standards, the Committee is also responsible to evaluate all Boats, Boathouses, Houseboats and structures during tenancy. The Committee shall not have the authority to enforce the standards. That authority shall lie with the Board. The Board’s decision can be appealed to the General Membership.  

Moorage Manager

The Moorage Manager shall be selected by the Board of Directors and confirmed by the General Membership. The Manager’s term shall be continued until the Manager chooses to resign, or is removed by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Board or by a majority vote of the General Membership. The Moorage Manager shall be responsible for the day to day management of the business affairs of the MCYC moorage, for the benefit of the club and its tenants. The Moorage Manager shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the following activities: Inspect moorage and facilities, including the land area, making recommendations to the Moorage Committee for repairs, maintenance and improvements. Authorized to have emergency repairs made to the moorage facilities as required, which will have an expected cost of $500. For repairs in excess of $500, the Moorage Manager shall obtain the approval of the Board of Directors. Maintain and post a waiting list of members wishing to lease space. The date/time the request is received by the Moorage Manager shall be the determining factor as to position on the waiting list. When a space becomes available for lease, notify each person on the waiting list. Keep treasurer informed on any slip rental status changes. Sit as a member of the Moorage Committee.

Party Chairperson

Although making money is always a goal, the main thrust of an MCYC party is fun and fellowship. If you have planned the best you can - then relax and have fun. Provide the Chatter Editor with a flyer Advance money for your party is available from the Treasurer. Check with the Bar Manager regarding special needs or quantities of liquor or beer. You are responsible for setting up the bar. Obtain the keys for the cabinet behind the bar and the liquor cabinet in the storeroom from the bar manager. Each party is responsible for purchasing its own orange juice, tomato juice, etc. Provide a clean up committee Be sure to complete a Party Report Sheet Turn in party sheet and money to Treasurer as soon as possible

Port Captain

The Port Capt. & Asst. Port Capt. (if one is appointed) shall serve one (1) year terms of office. Note: The Asst. Port Captain shall be appointed by the incoming Vice Commodore and will assume the duties of Port Captain the following year. The Asst. Port Capt. shall work for and with the Port. Capt. and will be responsible to the Port Capt. The Port Capt. & Asst. Port Capt. shall coordinate their activities & projects with the Social Director, Clubhouse Manager and Moorage Manager. The Port Capt. & Asst. Port Capt. shall be members of the Moorage Committee. The Port Capt. is authorized to have EMERGENCY repairs made to the Moorage and Club Buildings as required, which will not exceed $500 in expected cost. For repairs in excess of $500, the Port Capt. shall obtain the approval of the Board. The Port Capt. will coordinate the docking of guest boats at social gatherings. The Port Capt. shall be responsible for maintenance, record keeping & equipment manuals of all, but not limited to, the Club property listed below: Filling of propane tanks as needed Check and maintain propane lines and system Parking lot Driveway / Dike walk Pump house / well Ramp Ramp house/Float Water system (pertaining to the Club facilities) Sewer system (pertaining to the Club facilities) Electrical system (Clubhouse & storage buildings) Clubhouse/Store room & connected guest docks

Quarter Master Or Mistress

The Quartermaster is selected by the Commodore each year and may serve more than one term. The Quartermaster is responsible for: Locating sources for Club apparel Ordering and collecting money for all apparel. Make Catalogs available at meetings and parties for members to order. Keep an inventory of Club burgees, and purchase any officer flags, American Ensign and state flag as it becomes necessary.

Social Director

The Social Director is responsible for: Scheduling Club parties and related activities. Scheduling private parties, determining whether there will be a rental fee and informing the party host(s) what the cost of renting the club will be and informing the host(s) that club supplies are not to be used. Setting up a yearly calendar by setting dates and hosts for parties and other activities for the upcoming year. Working with the Clubhouse Manager and the Cruise Captain making sure there are no conflicts in scheduling. Also checking with MCYC Past Commodores to see if they want to schedule anything. Preparing a calendar and keeping it up to date to indicate dates of club parties, private parties and other activities. Keeping the activity board in the Club house current and up to date. Supplying and informing the club party chairpersons as to their responsibilities, such as conferring with the Galley manager and Bar manager for any special needs, and filling out the cap sheets after each party. Inform the club party chairpersons of the MCYC party record book and follow up to see that a cap sheet is put in the book for future use. Inform the club party chairpersons of the party supplies in the storeroom and cabinets. Keep the MCYC party record book categorized and updated.


The Sunshine Committee is selected by the Commodore each year and may serve more than one term. The Sunshine Committee is responsible in keeping the members advised of members who have health problems and to make a report to the club at the regular meeting. The Sunshine Committee may purchase and send cards, flowers, etc. to those members.

Web Master

Maintain the web page to make sure all information is up to date. This includes: Clubhouse and cruise calendar pages for the year New and current member's email addresses, phone numbers, and mailing addresses. Current Channel Chatter Pictures from current year's parties/events List of upcoming events with flyers if available Also, make sure web server hosting fee has been paid on time and web page is working. Answer and/or forward any emails from people outside of the club to the appropriate club members.